This Layered Ham and Potato Casserole features potato slices, ham and cheese in a creamy sauce with a golden au gratin crust. It’s hearty, cheesy and oh-so satisfying. Perfect as a main course by...
Try these quick and easy Apple Pancakes when you want a tasty breakfast that is a bit adventurous, but still easy to make… All you need are some apples, pancake batter and a frying...
These Dorito Chicken Bites are mouthwateringly tender with a crispy coating! They’re baked in the oven for a healthier recipe that’s ready in 20 minutes. Serve with dipping sauce for an easy appetizer! Dorito...
These adorable Teddy Bear Cookies melt in your mouth with buttery sugar cookie flavors! They’re easy to make with just 3 ingredients using your favorite sugar cookie dough. Perfect for Game Day and holiday...
This Cheese and Grapes Appetizer is a real crowd pleaser. The grapes are wrapped in cream cheese and pistachios with some goat cheese and almonds added in. An easy bite-size hors d’oeuvre for a...
These Raspberry Coconut Magic Bars feature a mouthwatering coconut-almond crust, a creamy cheesecake layer and a melted chocolate topping. This no bake dessert is easy to make ahead for parties, potlucks, barbecues and picnics!...
Cinnamon Roll S’mores combine traditional smores with cinnamon rolls for a deliciously moist treat. They’re easy to make using an oven, grill or campfire! This easy recipe is full of cinnamon roll, gooey marshmallows,...
Chocolate Cake with Banana Filling: a mouthwatering dessert combining creamy banana pudding with a chocolate loaf cake. You can make this chocolate banana cream cake in just 20 minutes! If you love chocolate banana...
This Avocado Fudge is a delicious vegan treat with the flavors of smooth avocado, creamy banana and chunky chocolate! It’s easy to make with only 15 minutes of prep and no baking required! This...
Apple Pie Nachos are a mouthwatering dessert that’s perfect for sharing! These dessert nachos feature crispy tortillas covered with apple pie filling and topped with whipped cream. Easy to make in just 20 minutes!...
Cookie Dough Filled Oreos are cookie sandwiches with the filling replaced with edible homemade cookie dough and coated with chocolate. This mouthwatering treat is perfect for any party or celebration! When you want an...
Chocolate Covered Bacon is an irresistible carnival inspired snack with sweet and salty flavors! All you need is bacon and chocolate plus some toppings. Make this chocolate bacon for a party or give it...