These Slutty Brownies melt in your mouth with rich layers of cookie dough, Oreo cookies and brownies. This slutty brownie recipe is easy to make whenever you want an extra-decadent treat! When you want...
Funnel Cake Fries are delicious snacks that are crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. This state fair-inspired funnel cake recipe is easy to make in 20 minutes. Perfect for a party...
Leftover cooked chicken can make a quick meal or be transformed into a delicious new recipe. Find out how long cooked chicken lasts in the fridge along with tips for storage and use! Whether...
Learn how long to bake pork chops and get tender and juicy results every time! We’ve got you covered for bone-in or boneless pork chops with any thickness or oven temperature. They’re delicious and...
Szechuan Chicken is a delicious Chinese dish with the perfect combination of spicy, salty and sweet flavors. This easy Szechuan style chicken recipe tastes like your favorite Chinese takeout and is ready in less...
Enjoy tender and juicy Sirloin Steak with delicious garlic butter flavors! This top sirloin steak is pan-seared to caramelized perfection for a satisfying steak dinner you can easily prepare. Sirloin is one of the...
Learn how to broil steak in the oven quickly and easily! We cover broiling temperatures, times and handy tips for the best results every time. Enjoy tender and juicy broiled steak with a beautiful...
The essential guide on how long to boil potatoes! With some simple tips, you can make perfect boiled potatoes faster – in as little as 12 minutes on the stovetop or 6-8 minutes in...
Mirin (味醂 or みりん in Japanese) is a Japanese cooking rice wine with subtle sweet accents that make many dishes such as teriyaki chicken, ramen and udon. It’s a common ingredient in Japanese cooking and...
It’s hard to beat a Kansas City Strip Steak! This mouthwatering beef cut is simply a tender and juicy New York strip steak with the bone in. It’s easy to prepare and will be...
Wondering how long to cook a ham for the best flavor? Discover handy tips on how to cook a ham plus ham cooking times for spiral, pre-cooked, bone-in, boneless and uncooked hams. Hams are...
Are you looking for delicious exotic fruits from all over the world? From tropical Caribbean fruits to Asian berries, there is an exotic fruit for every taste. They’re also nutritious with a range of...